Fashion Business Administration Course

Fashion Business Administration Course

A fashion business MBA to nurture future entrepreneurs and business administrators.

Extensive research work will enable our students to attain management abilities that will help them become leaders in the fashion business.

The Fashion Business Administration Course nurtures entrepreneurs and business administrators capable of leading in the global fashion business sector. The students will first study the basics of the fashion business such as merchandising and marketing, in parallel with digital technology and global subjects. In the second (final) year, the students will study applied corporate management theory and finance, while conducting research on individually selected themes. By the end of the final year, they will have acquired a broad knowledge and the know-how to succeed in all areas of the fashion business. Students will create the basis for succeeding as fashion business leaders. Through two years of research work, they will create the plan for their own brand business.

Final Research Project

Students will set a theme of social significance in today’s fashion management field, conduct research, submit a final research project report, and give a presentation. Since students of various nationalities are enrolled, research is conducted from a global perspective, not just from the Japanese fashion business. 

16th BFGU FW: Presentation

BFGU × Paronym Inc. × Bunka Publishing Bureau joint research project

The “PBL” subject also introduces joint research with fashion and style firms, an industry-academia collaboration with Paronym Inc. and the Bunka Publishing Bureau. This project adopts Paronym “Tig*” by Paronym Inc. as a bridge to the contents of “Soen” and “Soen ONLINE” as an analysis of consumption and interest of the newest trending items. It is a versatile approach to line up publications and online contents.

Tig is an interactive video technology for users to obtain information in certain videos simply by tapping the screen as users will then be redirected to various previously installed second actions.

The introduction of “Statista”, an online statistical data platform

Statista is the world’s largest online statistical data platform that enables efficient research analyzing over 1 million data. It contains data from more than 22,500 reliable sources worldwide and is trusted by more than 23,000 corporates and 4,500 universities. BFGU implemented the platform in 2021 to empower our graduate students with great amount of useful data for their research.

Exchange program with the Parsons School of Design, USA

Our Fashio Business Administration course has implemented an exchange program with graduate students from the Parson School of Design, USA, for three months since October 2022 focusing on the unique trends in the US-Japan fashion market to provide in-depth knowledge for participating students. A global macro point of view for the future of the fashion industry can definitely be nurtured through the search for similarities and features on the US-Japan fashion consumer market.

■ Fields where graduates can work in the future
Business: Designer brands, Fashion apparel makers, Luxury brands, Apparel retailers, Apparel Ecommerce, Trading companies
Occupations: Entrepreneur, Executive, Brand manager, Merchandiser, Buyer, Store manager, Communication manager, Ecommerce director, Business Consultant

■ Employment Situation
・Alumni Careers(Japanese page)


The Fashion Business Administration Course offers a curriculum that helps students to improve their skills in a phased manner. In the first semester of the first year, students acquire basic theory about the fashion business and deepen their total understanding of the fashion business. In the second semester, they will improve their ability to apply this theory through exercises. In the first semester of the second year, they acquire knowledge of advanced theories and pursue their specialized field. Through off-campus research and graduation research projects, they build more practical proficiencies. *The subjects below may change.

Basic Research Project / Advanced Research Project

In the 1st semester (Basic Research Project), students fix their research topic to the fashion business in a group. They will develop logical thinking skills through seminars and acquire the ability to promote research through group work. In the 2nd semester (Advanced Research Project), each students will develop a research theme based on their awareness of the issues in which they will gain a foundation of the integrated for Final Research Project.

Final Research Project

A core course for the Master of Fashion Management (professional) degree. In this course, students set a research topic related to fashion businesses, proceed with the research, submit a final report, and present their research result at the course completion presentation. It aims to foster students’ advanced specialized knowledge, ability to collect and analyze information, logical thinking, problem-solving ability, and original planning ability.

Fashion Business Entrepreneurship

Learn the theory, knowledge, and processes related to entrepreneurship in the fashion business field, and acquire the basic know-how and practical skills to start a business. To acquire the ability to clearly define the issues leading up to starting a business and develop an action plan.

Fashion Tech

“Fashion tech” fuses fashion with IT technologies. It is used in a wide range of fields from production to retails. Nowadays, utilization of digital devices and digital contents on both the corporate and individual level are essential- the knowledge has been a must in the fashion industry.

AY 2024 Curriculum Subject List


  • Accounting
  • Business Management Strategy
  • Basic Research Project
  • Advanced Research Project
  • Fashion Tech
  • Fashion Business Methods (Practical)
  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Brand Management (Practical)
  • Marketing Basics
  • Marketing Research

  • [Elective]
  • Advanced Fashion Products
  • Apparel Modeling
  • Internship Program in Business Administration
  • Creative Thinking
  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • Sustainable Fashion A
  • Sustainable Fashion B
  • Materials Theory
  • Organization and Human Resource Management
  • Digital Commerce
  • Digital Technology in the Fashion Industry
  • Digital Marketing
  • Business English
  • Business Model Case Studies
  • AI, Metaverse & Fashion
  • Fashion & Culture
  • Fashion Merchandising Management
  • PBL (Project Based Learning)
  • Logistics


  • Final Research Project

  • [Elective]
  • Management Information System (Practical)
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Finance
  • Fashion and Consumer Attitudes
  • Fashion Business Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing Strategy