Message from the President
Everything at BFGU fosters the talent needed to breathe new life
into the competitive global fashion industry.

President, Bunka Fashion Graduate University
The fashion business in Japan has come to occupy a certain position in world. Yet, it faces a string of problems that designers and modelists do not have sufficient understanding about management and the management level in corporates, on the contrary, do not understand about design and technology. When considering fashion as a global business, it is necessary to incorporate different perspectives such as management, finance, production control, quality control, as well as original designs and excellent technologies. It is, hence, necessary to nurture more future leaders for the fashion industry from the two perspectives of “creation” and “management”. BFGU was established in 2006 as the first fashion professional school in Japan combining the achievements and know-how of Bunka Gakuen, a school corporation that has been playing the leading roles in the fashion education in Japan for more than 100 years. The school bridges up theories and practical techniques; its greatest objective is to establish a unique brand and business model so as to fostering “new creators” as proactive global leaders in the fashion industry for future generations.
What is a Professional Graduate School?
A Professional Graduate School is a new type of graduate school that has been newly established in 2003. Traditionally, graduate schools have focused on training students to become researchers. However, professional graduate schools focus on specialized training so the students can become business leaders with high professional business ability. A major feature of professional graduate schools is the promotion of high level, professional training and practical business education through practical lessons, by inviting professors and lecturers who play an active role in the forefront of their field.
History of BFGU
Bunka Fashion Graduate University was founded in order to cultivate talent in individuals who can develop intellectual property for the fashion industry, bring creative visions into reality, and establish business models for unique fashion brands that will be globally relevant.

Message from the Dean
We form talented people who are not only able to
create ‘fashion’ but also capable of creating ‘fashion business’

Dean, Graduate School of Fashion Business
As Japan’s only graduate university that aims to nurture fashion professionals, the BFGU offers unique and excellent features. First, it integrates the field of fashion creation with fashion management to learn the practical skills required to manage creative and design skills. With the unprecedented combination of these two divisions, the graduate school implements high-level education to foster the growth of professionals. Second, the graduate students can make extensive use of the world-leading premises and facilities that Educational Foundation Bunka Gakuen has developed and accumulated over the years. Third, the graduate university organizes various industry-academia collaborative projects to offer students opportunities to gain practical business experience. Based on this thorough, all-round environment for education and research, students are able to acquire not only theories but also practical knowledge and techniques as their first step and nice equipment for their development in the fashion industry.
Division, Course
At BFGU, we provide two divisions of specialization, Fashion Creation and Fashion Management within the Graduate School of Fashion Business. The aim is to educate talented people who have the intellect and skills to prevail in the world’s fashion market. In agreement with the previously mentioned three fields of study in fashion business, we have established three courses: Fashion Design Course, Fashion Technology Course, and Fashion Business Administration Course.
Structure Chart of Graduate School
Graduate School of Fashion Business Professional Graduate |
Division of Fashion Creation Academic degree: Master of Fashion Creation |
Professional course to foster designers who will lead world fashion
Fashion Design CourseFields where graduates can work in the future: Business: Designer brands, Fashion apparel makers Occupations: Owner designer, Creative designer, Knit designer, Textile designer |
Professional course to foster technologists who will convert designs to commercial
Fashion Technology CourseFields where graduates can work in the future: Business: Designer brands, Fashion apparel makers, Sewing factories Occupations: Modelist, Patternmaker, Production plan |
Division of Fashion Management Academic degree: Master of Fashion Management |
Professional course to foster executives, entrepreneurs, and producers in the fashion industry
Fashion Business Administration CourseFields where graduates can work in the future: Business: Designer brands, Fashion apparel makers, Luxury brands, Apparel retailers, Apparel Ecommerce, Trading companies Occupations: Entrepreneur, Executive, Brand manager, Merchandiser, Buyer, Store manager, Communication manager, Ecommerce director, Business Consultant |
Learning of how the fashion industry works in a practical way “Fashion Business Methods (Practical)”
“Sustainable Fashion A・B” and “AI, Metaverse & Fashion” – new courses in line with the modern times
To be more responsive to new needs in the age of globalization, BFGU works on various international exchange programs.
Participation in overseas fashion weeks and contests
Exchanges with international students
Holding Global Seminars
The Global Seminar, planned and held by the Bunka International Communication Center for Bunka Gakuen students, invites industry professionals such as teachers and designers from overseas partner schools. It is always an opportunity to learn the latest global standards, as well as to improve communication skills in English and become aware of the need to do so.
BUNKA International Communication Center