Fashion Business Administration Course
ファッション経営管理コースでは、ファッションマネジメント分野に関するテーマをそれぞれ設定し、研究を行っています。 2年次生は、修了研究プロジェクトとして論文形式や事業計画書形式で執筆し、その研究内容をまとめプレゼンテーションを行いました。 また1年次生は、基礎研究プロジェクトでの半年間の研究内容をまとめ発表しました。
Fashion Business Administration Course
In our fashion business administration courses, students are required to conduct research under the themes related to the fashion management business. Year 2 students have completed their final research projects in the form of a thesis or a proposal that their presentations has summarized the essence of their works. Besides, year 1students have also presented the overview of their research lasted for half a year. This time, we are releasing the presentation videos and research overviews by the representatives of the two years. (Videos are going to be available until March 31, 2022)